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Cazadero Rain Grows Redwood Trees
** January rainfall 0.93" - Below normal Current weather by
Cazadero is the 2nd rainiest spot in Calif. with 80 - 85 inches annual rainfall (Gasquet in Del Norte County has the highest average with 90 inches). In 1937 it rained 143 inches. FOG FACT
Moisture from summer fogs cool the Pacific Coast Redwood (Sequoia semperviron) trees that have a low tolerance to sustained heat. Very little moisture from fog drip actually reaches their root systems in Cazadero's forest. Mature redwoods consume in excess of 500 gallons of water daily.
![]() (Photo by Catherine Canelis) From The Rain Chart
If all the water drops from the 1936-1937 season's rainfall didn't run off in streams, be absorbed by the soil or evaporate, the canyon town of Cazadero would be Lake Cazadero with a depth of nearly 12 feet. Now add the 12 feet of water from the surrounding mountainous slopes to the lake. That's a lot of rain water folks! Strange As It May Seem
most springs around Cazadero run the fullest when there is a heavy snow pack in the Sierra Nevada. In 1963 the U. S. Federal Government tested many springs as a part of a soil conservation project and found that they have the same mineral content as those tested in the Sierra. Cazadero Water Dog Folklore
When the Water Dogs (Red Belly Newts) are traveling uphill heavy rains are to come. When heading downhill the rains are over. Signing in the rain When George Montgomery signed the purchase agreement for the town of Ingrams (Cazadero) on January 20, 1888 it was raining heavily. Snow?
[See photos at bottom left of page]When an artic storm with a high moisture content occurs it will snow in the region. Last big snow occurred on January 2, 1974. Snow drifts were from 4 to 6 feet deep. Trees in the forest can't handle snow loads and suffered much damage in the '74 storm. Deadfall produced from this storm fed the "Creighton Ridge" forest fire that broke out on August 9, 1978. The fire burned over 12,000 acres of timber land, 29 homes and 2 businesses. ![]() *My prediction
Have a Cazadero fortune? E-mail me. Gary Rodgers
Cazadero, California
Natural Vegetation Zone Classification:
Sunday March 4, 1888
After three days of pouring Cazadero rain, Cornelia Trosper entered into her daily diary the following:
Cazadero -- One Hundred Years New Year's day 1900. It was raining with fierce winds that buffeted and swayed the area's towering redwood trees. Cazadero's residents kept their horses and wagons protected in their barns, and largely stayed home huddled around the warmth of their fire places discussing events of the past year. Egg nog was prepared in the kitchen using old time proven recipes to stimulate the palate. New Year's day 2000. The temperature was 30° F, and frost glistened on the open slopes around Cazadero. A light cool moist fog rested snugly in the canyons and the sky above was darkened by a blanket of stratus clouds that had drifted in from the ocean. Residents largely stayed home huddled around their television sets watching the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, or viewing world-wide breaking news events that were happening at the moment. Automobiles were parked outdoors and ready to make a quick trip to the store in town if the egg nog ran short.
![]() Snow at the Rodgers' Snow on Pole Mountain Cazadero's Current Rainfall
JANUARY 2007 The 2005-2006 season's ending rainfall at the Rodgers' Ranch on Mohrhardt Ridge, Cazadero (Elev. 950 ft./SL) totaled 106.53" at 144% of station's yearly average. (Seasons are from July 1 to June 30).
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